Sunday, November 3, 2013

Simple Rules for A Lifter

For me, training is about strength, about moving weight, and correctly moving the human body.

Training is about being proud of an added repetition, an added plate on the bar, and/or an improved movement pattern. Training focuses more on a person's performance and less on how she looks in a new dress. This is a place where people eat to excel and not eat to savor (Sorry, Brian!), where trucks are pushed and sleds are pulled, where running isn't "cardio, it's part of training and if you're going to walk for your conditioning you better have something on your back or in your hands.

With that in mind, here's a list of some of my favorite lifting rules that I follow:

• Squats are walked out.

• Lift-offs are not given on the bench press.

• If you're going to overhead press, it will be done standing.

• No straps unless you are hurt.

• You don't debate about organic/non-organic.

• No need for music or training partners or "the right atmosphere" to train hard.

• You are humble enough to realize that you always need to improve... a lot!

• There are no 8-week plans, rather yearlong goals and decade long achievements.

• All you truly need is a rack, barbell, plates and some dumbbells.

• You realize stretching doesn't make you slow or non-explosive.

• You realize physical strength can develop mental and spiritual strength.

• You never fall for gimmicks; principles last forever.

Today's Training and Diet

It's one week out from Nationals. This is the time where every repetition really matters and every bite of food counts.

6:00 a.m. Clean, shower

7:00 a.m. MP Muscle gel, 1/2 cup oats with chia seeds, 6 almonds

7:40 a.m. Workout One
8 sets RDLs: Two warm-up sets (55 lbs. x 20 reps; 105 lbs. x 20 reps) and then 6 sets of 135lbs. x 5 reps supersetted with Wide Mt. Climber Pull-ups: 15x, 15x, 13x, 12x, 10x, 11x, 10x, 14x.

Split Bulgarians: 8 sets of 10-15 w/ pulsing and tempo changes supersetted with 8 sets of Wide Pull-ups: 10 reps each set.
Leg Press: 5 sets of 10 wide (90 lbs.); 4 sets of 20 (90 lbs.) supersetted with Chin-ups: 22, 18, 17, 15.
Calf Raises: 30, 30

8:45 a.m. Can of tuna, 1 apple

9:00 a.m. UXF with Stephanie (Summah's Mom)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 DB Swing to Squat & Presses (25 lb. DB)
Walking Lunges
Rotational Squats
Walking Lunges
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Burpee Rows (35 lb. DBs)
30-minute cap on time
Push Stephanie on sled (whew!)
9:15 a.m. 6 egg whites, 1 sweet potato

10:00 a.m. Workout Two
Ring Pull-ups: 10 sets: 10-15 reps each set supersetted with Leg Extensions: 50 lbs. 20 reps
Chin-ups (Legs out): 4 sets supersetted with Leg Extensions - 50-100 reps
Leg Curls (seated): 5 sets high rep
Calf Raises (seated): 3 sets 30 reps
Wide, Neutral Grip Pull-ups: 3 sets 10 reps
Routine Practice

12:30 p.m. MP Muscle Gel, broccoli

12:35 p.m. Grocery Shopping, errands, clean house, make pizzas for Brian
4:00 p.m. 1 1/2 cups cottage cheese, 1/2 cup oats, chia seeds, 8 black berries, 6 almonds, cinnamon tea

5:00 p.m. work, email, blog, etc.

8:30 p.m. to bed!!!