Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stop Sucking on Your Thumb and Get to Work

Look at yourself face-to-face in the mirror. Look closely, very closely.

Are you humble enough to admit that you do not work hard enough to reach your goals? Are you brave enough to confess that you are not adequately focused on those very goals? It's time to stop sucking on your thumb and crying about the goals you are failing to meet and finally do something:

Nobody (myself included) works as hard as they think they do. Even those who actually work hard can improve both effort and focus. Working hard isn't about grunting and groaning, nor is it about dropping dumbbells on the floor after exercise sets so you can appear hardcore. That sort of display is for a baby throwing a tantrum.

Working hard, with maximal effort, is about one thing and one thing only: FOCUS. The lifter who is focused has no need for such drama. This individual has the path to his/her goals well thought out and is completely focus on this path AND stays focused during each and every training session.

It's time to stop sucking your thumb and stop training like a baby.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2013 (Another day off!)
7 a.m. 1/2 liter water and a fat burner

Do laundry, dishes, and cleaning

8:00 a.m. 6 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 tbsp, chia seeds, 8 almonds, 1/4 cup raspberries

9:00 a.m. UXF with Stephanie (Summah's mom)

(1) run the fire lane
(2) 5 lateral burpee box jumps + run the fire lane
(3) 8 MB push-ups (each side) + 5 lateral burpee box jumps + run the fire lane
(4) 11 skier jumps each side + 8 MB push-ups (each side) + 5 lateral burpee box jumps + run the fire lane
(5) 14 DB swing and presses + 11 skier jumps each side + 8 MB push-ups (each side) + 5 lateral burpee box jumps + run the fire lane
(6) 17 long-leg sit-ups each side + 14 DB swing and presses + 11 skier jumps each side + 8 MB push-ups (each side) + 5 lateral burpee box jumps + run the fire lane
(7) 20 single-arm bent over rows + 17 long-leg sit-ups each side + 14 DB swing and presses + 11 skier jumps each side + 8 MB push-ups (each side) + 5 lateral burpee box jumps + run the fire lane
(8) 23 rope smashes + 20 single-arm bent over rows + 17 long-leg sit-ups each side + 14 DB swing and presses + 11 skier jumps each side + 8 MB push-ups (each side) + 5 lateral burpee box jumps + run the fire lane

10:10 a.m. 6 egg whites, 1 apple

10:40 a.m. Weight Training

Chin-ups: 17x; 15x; 12x; 10x; 10x; 10x; 8x; 7x; 6x supersetted with BB Biceps Curls: 20 x 35 lbs.; 15 x 45 lbs; 14 x 45 lbs.; 8 x 50 lbs.; 8 x 50 lbs.; 12 x 45 lbs.; 18 x 35 lbs.; 20 x 35 lbs.

DB Curls: 5 sets with 20 lb. DBs; minimal recovery between sets.

DB Skull Crusher and French Press Combo: 8 sets with mixed weights and drop sets.

12:20 p.m. 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. salsa, 1 chopped cucumber, 1 small plum

1:30 p.m. Get Massage!

3-5 p.m. Clean and prepare files for work.

4:00 p.m. 6 egg whites, 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup cauliflower

Errands and cook with Brian

6:40 p.m. 6 egg whites, 2 cups broccoli, 1.5 cups butternut squash, 1/2 cup raspberries

Plan for tomorrow and relax

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